Dalma Motors

Golden Dragon tops hydrogen fuel cell bus market…
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Golden Dragon tops hydrogen fuel cell bus market…

According to China Auto Data Co., Ltd., Golden Dragon ranked the first place in China’s hydrogen fuel cell bus market in July with its monthly sales volume reaching 216 units. SAIC Maxus and Higer ranked the second and the third place in the market with the monthly sales volume reaching 170 units and 166 units respectively.

As one of the pioneers in China’s new energy bus industry, Golden Dragon is fully committed to promoting the commercial operation of hydrogen fuel cell buses.

Apart from hydrogen fuel cell buses measuring 6-meter to 12-meter in length, Golden Dragon has also successfully developed light trucks and heavy-duty trucks powered by hydrogen fuel cells. These zero-carbon-emission vehicles provide urban sanitation services and frozen food logistic services, etc.

According to Golden Dragon, all its hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have gone through a number of stringent tests, including collision tests, slope-climbing tests, reliability tests, working-in-extremely-cold-weather tests, etc.

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